A pvp or more precisely fps pvp game on Roblox?
If you're looking for an action-packed, thrilling game on Roblox, then Aimblox is the perfect choice for you. This game is all about shooting and eliminating your enemies, and it requires skill, precision, and strategy to succeed.
Features Of Aimblox Script Silent Aim
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local Players = game:GetService("Players") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local WorldToScreenPoint = Camera.WorldToScreenPoint local GetPlayers = Players.GetPlayers local FindFirstChild = game.FindFirstChild local function GetOnScreenPosition(V3) local Position, IsVisible = WorldToScreenPoint(Camera, V3) return Vector2.new(Position.X, Position.Y), IsVisible end local function GetDirection(Origin, Position) return (Position - Origin).Unit * (Origin - Position).Magnitude end local function GetMousePosition() return Vector2.new(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) end local function GetClosestPlayer() local Closest, Distance = nil, 10000 for _, Player in next, GetPlayers(Players) do if Player ~= LocalPlayer then local Character = Player.Character local Head = Character and FindFirstChild(Character, "Head") local Humanoid = Character and FindFirstChild(Character, "Humanoid") if Head and (Humanoid and Humanoid.Health > 0) then local ScreenPos, IsVisible = GetOnScreenPosition(Head.Position) if IsVisible then local _Distance = (GetMousePosition() - ScreenPos).Magnitude if _Distance <= Distance then Closest = Head Distance = _Distance end end end end end return Closest, Distance end local oldNamecall oldNamecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(...) local Method = getnamecallmethod() local Arguments = {...} if Arguments[1] == workspace and Method == "Raycast" then if typeof(Arguments[#Arguments]) ~= "RaycastParams" then return oldNamecall(...) end local HitPart = GetClosestPlayer() if HitPart then Arguments[3] = GetDirection(Arguments[2], HitPart.Position) return oldNamecall(unpack(Arguments)) end end return oldNamecall(...) end)
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